Download Link: MindMate 0.7
The major enhancement in this release is the support for themes. There are 11 built-in themes:

A built-in theme can be applied from the following option:

Now, there is also a capability to customize themes or create your own. Using the Default Format dialog, we can set the default font, colors and other formatting on the map level.

User can also use the formatting of the selected node as the default for the whole map. This option is available in the ribbon at Format -> Set Selected as Default.

Other Changes
- Double-clicking on *.mm file opens the file in MindMate app if the extension is associated with the application
- Bugfix: Ctrl + S saves the document even when the focus is on note editor
- Close action should not close the application if the last document is closed
- Functionality to copy and paste an image from MindMate to any other program (pasting images in MindMate is already supported since v0.5)
- Bugfix: If the node shape is bubble, the background color should stay inside it.