Released Svelte-Lexical 0.4.0
Release 0.4.0 brings support for SvelteKit 2 and Vite 5. it has been a long time coming. Every time we...
Use TinyMCE rich-text editor in a Svelte app
TinyMCE is one of the most popular rich-text editors for web apps. It offers an open-source community edition as well...
Released svelte-lexical 0.3.5: Upgrade to Svelte 4
The new release is out for svelte-lexical! The biggest change is the upgrade to Svelte 4 which could potentially be...
Taking Bun JavaScript runtime for a spin
Bun has made a big splash on reaching version 1.0. It is so much faster than Nodejs and provides enough...
Released svelte-lexical 0.3.1: Upload images
It is a minor release including few bug fixes and minor enhancements. We have to ability to upload images now,...
Released svelte-lexical 0.3.0: Code blocks and link editor
svelte-lexical version 0.3.0 is out with a lot of new features and bug fixes. Now, we can insert code blocks....
Type transformations in TypeScript: Removing functions from a type
TypeScript is often quoted as one of the most loved programming languages (StackOverflow, 2022). I guess, what contributes to it...
Unit testing in Svelte
We are going to set up unit testing in Svelte using Testing Library and Jest. The working version of the...
Developed a Rich-text Editor for Svelte (svelte-lexical)
Developed a rich-text editor for svelte called svelte-lexical. It is based on Lexical, an open source framework for creating rich-text...
Dart Code Coverage with Github Actions and CodeCov
Unit tests and Code Coverage not only improves the code quality but also provides agility in developing new features with...