Passed Microsoft Exam 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3
There is huge interest in HTML 5 among the web development community these days. Once again there is hope that...

Completed ‘Software Engineering for SaaS’ from Coursera
Completed ‘Software Engineering for SaaS’ course offered by Dave Patterson and Armando Fox, Professors at University of California, Berkeley. This course...
Ruby Koans – Another Great Tutorial
Ruby Koans is somewhat advanced than the other tutorials I went through earlier. It has 30 topics and you have to...

Ruby on Rails – Excellent Tutorial from CodeSchool
‘Ruby on Rails’ is a web development framework for Ruby language… just came across an excellent tutorial for ‘Ruby on...

Some Good Ruby Tutorials
I have done most of my web development work in ASP.Net or Java. I have been thinking about learning one...
ASP.Net Web Forms vs ASP.NET MVC
When microsoft released ASP.Net, it was thought that it would relieve the need to master HTML and related technologies for...
WordPress Plugin for embedding YouTube video
There are a lot of plugins out there for embedding YouTube video. I evaluated few of them, the one...