Unit testing in Svelte
We are going to set up unit testing in Svelte using Testing Library and Jest. The working version of the...

Developed a Rich-text Editor for Svelte (svelte-lexical)
Developed a rich-text editor for svelte called svelte-lexical. It is based on Lexical, an open source framework for creating rich-text...

Dart Code Coverage with Github Actions and CodeCov
Unit tests and Code Coverage not only improves the code quality but also provides agility in developing new features with...

Load Testing with JMeter – Tips and Tricks
Increasing the heap size By default, JMeter uses 1 GB of heap memory. This may not be enough and you...

JMeter: Use multiple user logins for load testing
Thread Group simulates a number of virtual users putting the load on the server. Often one of the initial requests...

Introduction to Load Testing with JMeter
JMeter is a load testing tool to measure the performance of web applications. It is open-source and written in Java....

CSS in Svelte
Svelte is a front-end framework for web development, you can find more about it here. This post is about using...

Svelte – a difficult kind of UI Framework
Svelte is a front-end framework for web development like React, Vue and Angular. In a short time, Svelte has become...

Create Masonry Layout with CSS (Grid with variable-sized contents arranged in columns)
Source code for examples in this article can be found at https://github.com/umaranis/css-masonry-layout In Masonry layout, variable-sized items are arranged in...
Add linting to NodeJs and TypeScript project
We are going to install TypeScript ESLint for finding potential problems with our code. Most online tutorials talk about using...