

My name is Syed Umar Anis. I am a programming enthusiast with over 15 years of experience. My core area of expertise is developing business applications and data analysis. In recent years, most of my professional work has been focussed on IBM Maximo Asset Management platform. While in my free time I have been creating MindMate – an open source mind mapping software.

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  1. Assalamualaikum Umar , I came across your blog while searching chasm and fan trap issue in sapbo. I really found your explanation up to the point and I am satisfied. Apart from this topic I was going thru the categories in your blog and I felt you have vast knowledge of various technologies Alhamdulillah. May Allah give you success for the life here and hereafter Aameen.

  2. hello sayed, How are you? I really like the editor you are working on I have followed you on github, can we talk sometime i have some idea for the editor.
    please let me know.

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