Some of the most useful Command Line Tools
Here are some of my favourite command line tools. The GitHub stars for each tool are also shown below. RipGrep...

Automate Microsoft Word on MacOS
Microsoft Word can be automated using AppleScript. For instance, the following script is going the open a new Word file....

Enhance the zsh terminal experience with plugins, themes and auto-completions
I use a Mac, but the instructions provided should also be applicable to the Zsh terminal on Linux. Terminal Emulator...

The Power of Linux Command Line
The graphical interface is often more intuitive and easier to get started with but the Command Line interface has its...

nnn file manager: Developed plugins for integrating with MacOS clipboard
On the Linux platform, the drag-and-drop plugin enables nnn to work with other GUI applications like Email, Slack, Finder etc....

Setup ‘finder’ plugin for nnn Terminal File Manager on MacOS
The finder plugin integrates the find command with nnn Terminal File Manager but out-of-the-box it doesn’t work on MacOS, throwing...

Setup nnn Terminal File Manager on MacOS
nnn (n3) is a text-based file manager for the terminal. It is a significant improvement over ls and cd for...