Reading eBooks – Finding the right reader
Over the years, I have started doing more and more of my reading on electronic devices. In the PC era,...

Took ‘A Brief History of Humankind’ from Coursera
Completed ‘A Brief History of Humankind’ course taught by Mr. Yuval Noah Harari from Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The course...

Udacity’s ‘Introduction to Physics’ course
Took ‘Introduction to Physics’ course at Udacity. It is a beginner level course and I have skimmed through most of...

Read ‘Physics of the Impossible’ by Michio Kaku
‘Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel’ explores the...

Completed ‘Machine Learning’ from Coursera
Completed ‘Machine Learning’ course offered by Andrew Ng, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University. This course was offered through The...

Completed ‘Introduction to Logic’ from Coursera
Completed ‘Introduction to Logic’ course offered by Michael Genesereth, Associate Professor, Stanford University. This course was offered through The course...

Completed ‘CS101 (Introduction to Computing Principles)’ from Coursera
Completed the ‘CS101 (Introduction to Computing Principles)’ course offered by Nick Parlante, Lecturer in Computer Science, Stanford University. The course was offered online through...
Free online courses from Top Universities
A revolution is underway in higher education. Top universities are offering their courses online for free through initiatives like: Coursera...

Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World (book)
The book is about the travels of Micheal Lewis to western countries which are worst affected by the recent...
Microsoft Case Study for Disaster Recovery
In 2007, I was working at Engro Chemicals Pakistan as ‘Applications Lead Team’. We had a major fire disaster at...