Completed ‘Søren Kierkegaard – Subjectivity, Irony and the Crisis of Modernity’ from Coursera
Completed ‘Søren Kierkegaard – Subjectivity, Irony and the Crisis of Modernity‘ course taught by Associate Professor Jon Stewart from University of Copenhagen. The course...
What did Kierkegaard learn from his study of Socrates? Why is this connection between Socrates and Kierkegaard still relevant in the world today?
I wrote the following piece as part of an assignment for online course on Kierkegaard from Coursera. ….. Kierkegaard believes...

Completed SAP BusinessObjects course on ‘BI Clients and Applications’ from openSAP
This is my first openSAP course where I managed to stick around till the end. Generally I found the content...
SAP BusinessObjects Universe: Using ANSI92 SQL syntax
When writing SQL queries, I prefer the JOIN clause syntax over (+) in where clause for creating table joins. It...
BusinessObjects Universe: Defining Complex Outer Join
A complex join contains more than one condition in the join expression. Consider the following expression where one line of...
Designing BusinessObjects Universe: Join problems in schema and resolution techniques
An essential aspect of creating a BusinessObjects universe is to define joins among tables in ‘Universe Design Tool’. Even if the...
Chasm Trap: Designing SAP BusinessObjects Universe
While designing SAP BusinessObjects universe with Universe Design Tool, Chasm Trap is one of the major join problems that one...
Git Push error: refusing to update checked out branch (Source Control)
Recently, I cloned a repository on my machine and made some changes to it. As I was pushing my changes...
Study Notes for Microsoft Exam: Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications (70-486)
Took Microsoft Exam 70-486 which part of MCSD certification. I spend about 2 weeks studying the material and took some...