Released MindMate v0.8: Export to HTML and upgrade to .Net 4.8
It is mainly a maintenance release with a few enhancements. Here is the change log for version 0.8: This release...

Mind Mate v0.7 Released: Built-in and custom Themes
Download Link: MindMate 0.7 The major enhancement in this release is the support for themes. There are 11 built-in themes:...

Mind Mate v0.6 Released: Advanced Search Capability
The sixth release of Mind Mate has a new sidebar for searching. It supports: Search for text (results are displayed...

Released Mind Mate v0.5: Capture and store parts of Web (Web Clipper)
Just released Mind Mate version 0.5 on Github. This update significantly enhances the image handling capabilities of Mind Mate. Now,...

Mind Mate: Taking Notes with rich text support
(for background on Mind Mate, click here) Today, I released a new version (0.4) of Mind Mate on GitHub. The...
MouseHover event in Windows Forms .Net – Generating it repeatedly
MouseHover Event When mouse is stationary for some time over a Windows Forms control, Mouse Hover event is generated. This...
Async / Await and SynchronicationContext (C# .Net)
Following innocuous looking async / await code will cause deadlock. To understand why, lets go into what await does in the...
Creating and Consuming Async methods (C# .Net)
The code we want to run asynchronously could either be CPU-bound or IO-bound. CPU-bound code keeps the CPU busy, requiring...
Keeping UI Responsive (C# .Net)
The User Interface (UI) becomes unresponsive when a time taking operation is executed during an event. Consider the following button...

Developed Custom .Net Font Dialog
Developed a Custom FontDialog as an alternative to the standard .Net FontDialog. Key advantage of CustomFontDialog is the full control over look and...