Syed Umar Anis.NetKeeping UI Responsive (C# .Net)
Syed Umar Anis.NetKeeping UI Responsive (C# .Net)

The User Interface (UI) becomes unresponsive when a time taking operation is executed during an event.

Consider the following button click event where I have simulated a time taking operation by calling Sleep method. In a real scenario, it could be some processing which produces the result to be shown back on the user interface.

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   textBox1.Text = "Calculating result…";
   // long running operation simulated through Thread.Sleep

   textBox2.Text = "Final result";


Keeping UI responsive through System.Threading.Tasks.Task

To keep the UI responsive, we can spawn a new thread to perform the time taking operation. Earlier, we used to do it with System.Threading.Thread but now we have more convenient Task class from TPL (Task Parallel Library) in .Net.

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   // do initial UI update
   textBox1.Text = "Calculating result…";

   // spawn a new thread for the long running operation 
   // and final UI update
   Task.Run(() =>
         // unsafe call to UI control
         textBox2.Text = "Final result";


If we run the above code in debug mode, we get the following exception:


UI controls are not thread-safe, therefore, call to the UI should only be made from UI thread which created these controls.

The way around this problem is to use Invoke method of the control and pass it a delegate which performs the required UI changes. Invoke method will make sure that the delegate is executed on the UI thread.

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   textBox1.Text = "Calculating result…";

   Task.Run(() =>

      // using Control.Invoke
      Action act = () => textBox2.Text = "Final result";

This will keep the UI responsive in a thread safe way.


Keeping UI responsive using async / await

Another way of doing this is through async / await keywords.

private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   textBox1.Text = "Started";

   await Task.Run(() => System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000));

   textBox2.Text = "Final result";


This code will achieve the same results as above.

With async / await, the code looks more synchronous and readable. As await keyword is encountered, a new thread is started for processing the task and the method returns the control back to the caller (this ensures that the UI thread is free and responsive). Once the task is completed, rest of the code for the click event is executed on the UI thread. Behind the scene, the compiler generates complex state machine logic to make this happen seamlessly.

Hi, I’m Umar


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